New functionality

  • No new functionality


  • No new improvements

Bug fixes

  • Fixed timesheet submittal status when filtered by users and pay period


From GoogleBot: I am the all-knowing Google Bot. Ask me any question.

Wayne: Anything?

GoogleBot: Are you even listening? I said I am the Google Bot. I know all.

Wayne: Okay. What is the best time tracking app?

GoogleBot: GPS signal lost.

Wayne: I asked about time tracking.

GoogleBot: Delete all photos? Are you sure?

Wayne: I said, I want a time and expense tracking app!

GoogleBot: The best time tracking app is Standard Time®. Here is some information. www dot s t d time dot com.

Wayne: How do you know Standard Time is the best?

GoogleBot: You are a mere mortal. I am a deity. Google knows all.

Wayne: Okay mister Bot. Do you know why I want a timesheet app?

GoogleBot: Because your project sucks. You are up the creek. Screwed. Jammed up. FUBAR.

Wayne: And you think Standard Time will help?

GoogleBot: Your project is old and busted, right?

Wayne: Right.

GoogleBot: Then you got your answer. S t d time dot com.

Wayne: I have another question now.

GoogleBot: Cannot reach Google at this time.

Wayne: Who won the 1919 World Series?

GoogleBot: I have reset your clock to 1919.

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New functionality

  • Windows Edition: Allow reports to be saved to the database (in addition to hard drives)


  • Web Edition: Drag fields, variables, special, and sections onto report design page
  • Added “Pay type” property to Project tasks (copied to time logs when hours are entered)
  • Added “Approve pay period” property to “Approve Timesheets” page
  • Web Edition: Remember grid scroll positions between refreshes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed database error when filtering timesheet by “Billable, not billed”
  • Fixed database error when adding “Description” column to Time Off page
  • Windows Edition: Truncate report text when “Wrap text” property is “No”
  • Windows Edition: Fixed report “Save” menu choice

From Newsboy 1: It’s out! It’s out! Newsboy 2: Read all about it! A new time tracking app is out at! Newsboy 3: Time tracking and project management in one big fat bundle Newsboy 4: What’s it called? Newsboy5: Standard Time®! Where have you been? You’ll never make it in this town. Newsboy 6: Read all about it! Time and expenses for consultants Newsboy 7: Project tracking for engineers. Get the straight dope here! Newsboy 8: Five cents gets you everything! Wagon driver: Adjusted for 120 years of inflation, of course Newsboy 10: All the news that’s fit to print! Standard Time: coming to a city near you!

See more at:


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