New functionality

  • Added “Task name” under “Item name” in “Search fields” filter


  • Cloud: Added 30-second countdown between property changes to slow refreshes
  • Handle vendors when exporting to QuickBooks Online

Bug fixes

  • Cloud: Set starting date for new time logs using time zone setting
  • Fixed “deadlocked on lock resources” exception when editing user rates


New functionality

  • No new functionality


  • Allow timer to start if “Can log time with no project” is checked and no project
  • Add more context to time log notes when barcode starting and stopping timers
  • Turned off “Prefer 32-bit” so ST runs as a 64-bit app all the time

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect “# of rights removed” for groups in User Experience section


 Meet Baily Part engineer, part salesgirl And Standard Time® superuser Ask Baily Define Project Management: Eight engineers and Two marketing guys Who won’t leave the office Until this beast ships In Standard Time, that means

Task assignments Employee availability Resource allocation Baily wants to know, Is your project management Like a beehive in Standard Time?


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