Meet Jax. Pretty Good Consultant And Standard Time® Overposter Ask Jax Define Effective Billing Rate: Actual hourly revenue For all those Twelve hour days You try to forget In Standard Time, that means Utilization consulting reports Calculate effective billing rate Get more clients Jax wants to know Are your billing rates unique For each project In Standard Time?  


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New functionality

  • Added new User Right: “Keep pages opened between logins”


  • Cloud: Use “Automatically log in when program starts” User Right

Bug fixes

  • No Bug fixes

Here’s a new inventory management idea for your manufacturing shop! Combine the automation of barcodes and scripts. Try these steps in Standard Time® • Scan your Bill of Materials to deduct every item from inventory • When inventory drops, items are automatically reordered • Now scan them as they arrive at the back door • Inventory levels spring back like magic! Get Standard Time and a barcode scanner today!  


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