New functionality

  • No new functionality


  • Use “Group default” for “First day of week” for newly created users

Bug fixes

  • No Bug fixes

Here’s a job for the Standard Time® time tracking app: computer and network maintenance. You install and maintain networks for clients, right? And all their workstations and servers? And all their crazy apps? Then you should track billable hours in Standard Time! Here’s why: • Client invoicing • Profitability reporting • And your own sanity Seriously, aren’t all those scraps of paper and spreadsheets driving you nuts? Why not put it all in one place. One database. One app. Standard Time. 


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Everyone knows, manufacturing shops need project management. It’s not just about milling and molding. That’s only the manufacturing part. What about the projects behind those jobs?The engineering… The planning… Got a solution for that? We’ve got the perfect tool for your project management. It’s called Standard Time®.

What can you do with it?

• Create task lists

• Schedule jobs

• Scan jobs with barcodes

• Compare estimates with actuals Exactly what you need?


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New functionality

  • Added “Access to Inventory” User right


  • Stop all user timers when “Start timer like this one” is selected

Bug fixes

  • Fixed exception in project query for names with single apostrophe like Jim's


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