If you’re a project manager, you should consider using project portfolios. Standard Time® can help. What’s a project portfolio? Basically, just a collection of projects. Want to see revenue for one collection of projects compared with another? Want to compare estimated hours with actuals on an entire collection? Project portfolios let you view collections as “black boxes” without regard to the actual projects inside. That’s a high level project management technique. Get Standard Time now, and try project portfolios!  


Standard Time ► http://www.stdtime.com

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New functionality

  • Added two more stop timer options “Stop timers at 2” and “Stop timers at 3”
  • Added “Timer running” column to Time logs page


  • Allow attachments paths to be edited in-place
  • Allow WIP page to be filtered by “Timer running”
  • Display “[Unknown project]” when a time log has a project id but no project
  • Added limited AutoComplete to some Windows property dropdowns
  • Added the ability to type into a Notes field without clicking the dropdown

Bug fixes

  • Fixed setting time log and project task category to “None” didn’t work



New functionality

  • Added “Not billed” to Time logs page filter choice


  • Added “Next” and “Previous” to search filter tree (F3 and SHIFT-F3)
  • Prevent inventory items from being added to themselves as BOM items
  • Check for circular references when adding inventory BOM items
  • Cloud: Prompt before removing BOM items from inventory
  • Better error checking and reporting when running “Can Log Time” scripts
  • Added scheduled imports to Standard Time scheduled tasks

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Expenses page “Not billed” exception
  • Cloud: Fixed exception when double-clicking “Subscription” row in Licenses page
  • Cloud: Fixed line spacing for multiline text, like long descriptions that wrap
  • Fixed exception “Ambiguous column” when displaying Project status column

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