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If you’re like most people, you sometimes forget to track your time. Or forget which jobs you should work on next. Or which tasks are due. Hey… you’re focused on your job, not project management. But that’s important too. But what if you had a personal robot to: • Check your timesheet for errors? • Or tell you when new tasks are coming up? • Or tasks are coming due? • Or tell you when you’ve been assigned to new projects? • Or remind you of employee status?

That robot would be pretty handy!

In the Standard Time® timesheet, we call that robot: email notifications.

Email notifications watch out for you. They look for things you might forget. Like a personal assistant would.

Click to try email notifications… in Standard Time. See more at:


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New functionality

  • No new functionality


  • Added “Export directory” property to Scheduled exports for clarity

Bug fixes

  • No Bug fixes

Hello manufacturing managers! You already know that Standard Time® tracks time. Put a barcode scanner on the shop floor, and you instantly have manufacturing metrics. But did you also know that the same scanner can be used for inventory and bill of materials? Just scan materials, and they are deducted from inventory. Plus, they can be automatically reordered when low.

So… grab a barcode scanner and track both time and materials. With Standard Time!  


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