
  • No new functionality

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where exported CSV files did not contain the last row
  • Fixed bug when checking Clients “Active” option displayed an error
  • Fixed error when clearing project start and finish dates
  • Prevent stale record data when saving projects, tasks, time logs


From One of the things you soon discover about Standard Time® is that it is all about projects and jobs and work orders. Those projects are normally jobs that come into your shop or organization and your employees would track time and materials to them. You as a manager or administrator would perform some project management. Slotting them for production and getting them ready for your employees. This video will go into creating new projects in Standard Time.

You’ve probably seen this icon either in the File menu or the Tools menu or any of the Home pages. Let’s go ahead and click the icon and create a new job. Up pops an assistant with the steps I’ll follow. Click next; you have the option to duplicate an existing job and all the tasks or to create a new job and new tasks or to simply add tasks to an existing job.

I’ll go ahead a choose an existing job because I want the tasks in that job. Click next; I don’t have to enter the tasks because those will be duplicated. Click next then choose an existing client to bill time and materials to. Next and then finish. My job shows up on the left-hand side. This popup is asking if I want to require everyone to scan barcodes or enter time into the timesheet for these project tasks. The answer to this question is normally yes but I will choose no here, you should normally click yes here.

My job shows up here, double click, properties are on the right and I’ll change the work order number. Now I am ready to begin tracking time in the timesheet or with barcodes. I’ve got a ready-made list of tasks that came from that other job. Click one, properties show up on the right-hand side where I can perform some project management. Or set up the properties for this job.

Let’s go over to Home (All Views) and see a list of all the jobs that are currently in Standard Time. The list is here on the left, this is the job I just created with properties on the right. You can right click on any job and see a context menu for all the things you can do with that job. When you’re finished with a job you probably should go over to the active choice and change this to No, I’ll double click-that changes it to No and you notice the icon is gray. I’ve just decommissioned this project.

There you have it. Very simple way to create a new job in Standard Time. In future videos we will go into tracking time and materials to jobs including scanning barcodes to start and stop a timer and entering time and materials into a timesheet.


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From Have you ever seen a sales funnel for projects? In other words, a graph showing how much revenue you’ll get for all your projects? Standard Time® has one. Of course, with any sales funnel, you’ll win some and lose some. Proposals go into the funnel, and the best ones come out the bottom as cash revenue. We help you close more, and finish faster. Here’s how:

1. Start by creating a project

2. Set the revenue you expect

3. Set the timeframe

4. Set the win percentage Now view your projected sales revenue for all projects in the funnel.

And watch your revenue grow with tools like:

1. Project proposals

2. Project dashboards

3. And Project task warnings Standard Time is the best tool to win projects.

See more at:


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  • Added “Show active and inactive” context menu to Web Edition filter tree. Displays both active and inactive items in the filter tree to enable filtering pages by deactivated projects, users, clients, etc.
  • Improved WIP column resizing in Web Edition
  • Enable calendar drag and drop in Web Edition. I.e. move time logs, time off requests, tasks.
  • Import MS Project MPP files in Web Edition
  • Enable Enter key to close message boxes in Web Edition
  • Improved HTML export in Web Edition. I.e. more styles and colors
  • Improved creating new project tasks by copying values from the selected record

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sorting by Inventory Locations column
  • Fixed Resource Allocation error when using MS Access database. Error: “Column Name does not belong to table…”
  • Fixed bug when duplicating projects. The wrong project task filter was selected for the new project.
  • Fixed “Unhandled menu: New Project Task” in Web Edition

From This project manager is so screwed. He needs Standard Time® but doesn't know it yet. Only a zombie apocalypse will save him now... or implementing the project tracking capabilities of Standard Time. Learn how to get your project on track. Learn how to get your tasks under control. Get good project management techniques or shave your head and dance for tips in the subway. :)

Project Manager: Some turd charged a thousand hours on a one week task. Now the client wants me in Dallas.

Passenger: That’s larceny, you’re toast.

Project Manager: Another employee took a sick day and came back 10 weeks later with a tan.

Passenger: Does your wife work?

Project Manager: My project is 16 weeks overdue.

Passenger: I have a razor blade.

Project Manager: Nobody knows what they’re doing. So I cut everyone’s pay until they shape up! The office is on suicide watch.

Passenger: Ditch the client; fly to Mexico.

Project Manager: Do you know of any tools I could use?

Passenger: A meat cleaver?

Project Manager: I am so screwed! I need a solution.

Passenger: Cyanide and coke.

Project Manager: Seriously. The client wants my answer tomorrow.

Passenger: Everybody I know uses Standard Time® for their projects. But yours looks like a dog and monkey act. Do you have a freak show to go with that?

Project Manager: What is Standard Time?

Passenger: If you don’t know by now, update your resume. Highlight your food service experience.

Project Manager: Seriously. Will it work?

Passenger: In your case only a zombie apocalypse could save you!

Project Manager: Could I divert this plane to Cuba?

Passenger: Listen, dude. Got a smartphone? Download the Standard Time time tracking app off the app store. It will get you out of trouble. Look for Scoutwest, Inc.

Project Manager: Yeah?

Passenger: Or get Standard Time off their website. Once the client figures out you have half a brain you won’t have to take your own life.

Project Manager:

Passenger: It’s either that or shave your head and dance for tips in the subway.

See more at:


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